
Calm and Rest Music Protocol

Course Objectives

To relieve stress, alleviate hypersensitivity to sound, stabilize neurophysiological states, improve the quality of sleep, refine communication skills, promote social interaction and resilience, and accelerate follow-up therapy.


The Calm and Rest Music Protocol is a newly introduced, state-of-the-art therapy based on the polyvagal theory pioneered in 1994 and developed through over 20 years of experimentation and research. The polyvagal theory focuses on the use of the sensory and motor nerve branches of the vagus nerve to initiate the social interaction system, to regulate the activation of the parasympathetic nervous system in the autonomic nervous system, to allay anxiety, fear and withdrawal, and to improve the quality of communication and social interaction.

The Calm and Rest Music Protocol is a two-part therapy.

The first part is a total of five classes session in which the child wears a special sensory system and listens quietly to specially processed music.  This promotes the activation of the facial and vagus nerves, which in turn alleviates tension and anxiety, lowers hypersensitivity to sound and stabilizes the neurophysiological state, thus expediting subsequent therapeutic effects, improving communication skills, and promoting social interaction and resilience.

The second part is a home treatment game program that utilizes a therapy protocol that promotes activation of the parasympathetic nervous system to continue enhancing neuro-maturation and progress for better follow-up occupational  therapy.

Studies have found that the Calm and Rest Music Protocol is effective for conditions such as “social and emotional developmental problems,” “hypersensitivity to sound,” “anxiety- and trauma-related disorders,” “inattention” and “stressors that limit social interaction,” and can speed up the therapeutic effects of follow-up sessions

KickStart is the first to bring in the Calm and Rest Music Protocol, which is applied to the courses to expedite the effectiveness of occupational therapy and shorten the therapy duration, making it easier for children to enjoy the joy of progress and relieving parents' stress.

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