Stella and Alice’s testimonial

Stella and Alice are sisters. They are both in kindergarten. They completed a 6-month therapy program at KickStart. Stella and Alice lived mostly with their grandparents when they were young. When their parents came to KickStart for their initial...

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Penny’s testimonial

Pronunciation problems can be caused by many reasons, including low muscular strength in the mouth, oral perception and sensitivity, trouble controlling mouth muscles, hearing loss, etc. Penny has Dysarthria, a speech disorder. Before she came to...

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Paul’s testimonial

“Paul is a lively child who loves to chat; however, this only happens at home. Although he behaves well at school, but the teacher is concerned about his speech development because he either speaks in a volume too soft to hear or he doesn’t speak...

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Yvette’s testimonial

Yvette is an extremely anxious child. When she gets upset or nervous, she shows symptoms of self-harm such as bumping her head against the wall. She dislikes crowded and noisy environments due to her auditory defensiveness. Furthermore, she cannot...

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Ethan’s testimonial

Ethan was born with multiple disabilities, so he had had to be hospitalized on several occasions since birth. They came to KickStart to seek help improving his gross motor skills due to his disabilities. However, his mother was also concerned about...

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